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2010 NSLC International Diplomacy lecture 2 slides

June 25th, 2010 | Posted by ptj in NSLC - (0 Comments)

Here is a pdf of the slides from the first NSLC International Diplomacy lecture of the 2010 program: “Exchange.” Later on this summer I hope to record a performance and podcast it; check back for that if you’re interested, or subscribe to the NSLC feed ( for automagic updates as they happen.

In case it wasn’t obvious, and yes I have had questions about this, click on the word “Here” at the start of the post to download the pdf document.

Here is a pdf of the slides from the first NSLC International Diplomacy lecture of the 2010 program: “War.” Later on this summer i hope to record a performance and podcast it; check back for that if you’re interested, or subscribe to the NSLC feed ( for automagic updates as they happen.

In case it wasn’t obvious, and yes I have had questions about this, click on the word “Here” at the start of the post to download the pdf document.

NSLC session 1 slides

June 18th, 2010 | Posted by ptj in NSLC - (0 Comments)

Here’s a pdf version of the slides that I used in the first for-credit session of the NSLC International Diplomacy program, Summer 2010.

SSF syllabus

May 20th, 2010 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ - (0 Comments)

Some people asked to see this, so here it is.

Social/Science/Fiction syllabus, Spring 2010

Discussant comments made during the book launch and discussion for Barry Buzan and Amitav Acharya’s edited book Non-Western International Relations Theory, American University, 3 May 2010. Both editors made remarks before my comments, but as usual I didn’t record those since I didn’t have their permission to do so.

GEOPOL 2010 presentation

April 13th, 2010 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

I was fortunate enough to be part of a panel on “Geopolitics and Empire” as part of Virginia Tech’s one-day conference “GEOPOL 2010” earlier today. Panelists had what we might call an “academic 10 minutes” (which comes in closer to 15 minutes) to make some remarks on the topic; here’s what I had to say, building on some of my stuff on the legitimation of US foreign policy through the strategic deployment of various commonplaces of “civilization”/”civilizations.”

Here is the “late show” (1:15pm) version of the 2010 University College information presentation from AU’s 9 April Freshman Day. The two presentations have the same slides, basically the same information, but different audiences do make for different dynamics — and different performances. Watch them here, or download and play in iTunes or QuickTime player, as usual.

Here is the “early show” (10:15am) version of the 2010 University College information presentation from AU’s 9 April Freshman Day. The two presentations have the same slides, basically the same information, but different audiences do make for different dynamics — and different performances. Watch them here, or download and play in iTunes or QuickTime player, as usual.

Florida methodology workshop

March 29th, 2010 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

Shorter book talk, delivered as part of the University of Florida’s workshop on “Epistemology and Method in International Relations.” Not crazy about the workshop title — none of the participants were! — but it was a wonderful workshop all the same.

Lehigh talk

February 25th, 2010 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations, round two: a talk delivered at Lehigh University on 24 February 2010, to an audience mainly consisting of undergraduate students. Basically the same slides as the USC talk, but different audiences produce different emphases and an overall distinctive tone.