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Author Archives: ptj

My comments on a roundtable organized by Andy Hom at ISA 2014, entitled “A Bridge Too Far? Caution in Theory Along the Border of the Academy.” The topic here is the relationship of scholarship and policy work, so to speak. Shortly before making these comments, I tweeted: “Francois Debrix stealing my Weberian thunder at #isa2014 roundtable on ‘scholarly caution.’ Guess I have to think of something else to say.” You will have to judge for yourself whether I succeeded.

My comments on a roundtable on “Constructivism and Psychology” at the 2014 ISA meeting, 26 March 2014. Recorded straight to iPhone, and presented here in .m4a format.

This isn’t actually the title I gave for the talk at the time, and this isn’t the first time I gave the talk — I had given previous versions of it at Oxford and Aberystwyth over the past week too. but I think this is the best version, and I also think that this title captures much better what I am actually talking about. So it will probably be the title of the article or chapter I end up writing. Eventually. In the meantime, here are some slides, and here’s the audio of the talk.

AACP Institute 2013

May 20th, 2013 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ - (0 Comments)

Here’s the audio and slides from my keynote presentation at this morning’s AACP Institute on teaching, in which I speculate about the future of higher education and suggest that we have to pay more attention to what we are using the classroom space to accomplish. The audio is raw and unedited, but a same-day podcast is often not the world’s greatest production quality!

Whither constructivism?

November 4th, 2012 | Posted by ptj in ISA-NE | ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

Audio of a panel and the subsequent q&a from ISA-Northeast 2012, Baltimore, MD. Panelists were Nick Onuf, Mike Barnett, and PTJ; panel was ably chaired by Sammy Barkin, who also participated in the discussion from time to time.

BISA/ISA 2012 — fear of relativism

September 30th, 2012 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

Recording of my remarks on a panel on pluralism and diversity in international studies, BISA/ISA joint meeting, Edinburgh, 20 June 2012. A written version of these remarks, featuring the addition of a Star Wars-themed example, appeared here, and I suspect that there will be another version someplace else before too long.

BISA/ISA 2012 — aesthetics and politics

September 30th, 2012 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

Better late than never! My discussant comments for a panel on Aesthetics and Politics, Edinburgh BISA/ISA joint meeting, 20 June 2012. I touch on some methodological issues that might be intriguing for those doing work in this area.

How to Talk About the Future

September 30th, 2012 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

Recording of my talk “How to Talk About the Future,” University College Utrecht, 25 September 2012. Slides for the talk are here.

SIS 301 Spring 2012 lecture 13

May 3rd, 2012 | Posted by ptj in SIS-301 - (0 Comments)

The final podcast lecture in my Spring 2012 SIS-301 “Theories of International Politics” class — and the last podcast of the last time I will teach this class for a while, since I become Associate Dean in a couple of months ad that’s a full-time administrative gig. So, perhaps fitting that the topic of this last podcast lecture is Naeem Inayatullah and David Blaney’s radical reexamination of IR as an enterprise, which raises some fundamental questions about the purpose of IR theory and IR scholarship. Is it science? Is it philosophy? Does it matter? Questions to ponder.


SIS 301 Spring 2012 lecture 12

April 19th, 2012 | Posted by ptj in SIS-301 - (0 Comments)

The twelfth lecture in the series: theory and methodology, or, why we have to know something about methodology in order to figure out what is actually going on in a piece of theory.
