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ECPR PoS lecture 5

February 17th, 2012 | Posted by ptj in ECPR | ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

And now for the grand finale of “PTJ Live in Vienna 2012”: lecture #5, on reflexive theory. Truth to tell I think I said in this lecture somewhat better what I said in Chapter 6 of the C of I book; the theme is the same but the development is somewhat altered for the better.


ECPR PoS lecture 4

February 16th, 2012 | Posted by ptj in ECPR | ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

The fourth in the epic series. Today’s topic: mind-world monism and why it isn’t subjectivism or idealism, but instead terminates methodologically in the form of ideal-typical analysis championed by Max Weber (with a liberal dash of Dewey and the later Wittgenstein). Three boxes down, one to go.


ECPR PoS lecture 3

February 15th, 2012 | Posted by ptj in ECPR | ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

The third in the ongoing series. Today’s topic: philosophical realism, and why it is neither just a modified form of neopositivism nor just a quasi-theological statement about metaphysical objects and their properties.


ECPR PoS lecture 2

February 14th, 2012 | Posted by ptj in ECPR | ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

The second lecture in my five-lecture series “PTJ Live in Vienna.” But no Grammy for me, at least not this year. Today we have a discussion of Popper, falsification, and the strange hybrid of logical positivism and Popperian falsification that is contemporary neopositivism, plus a quick spin through my four-part typology of methodological positions based on wagers about the mind-world hook-up (philosophical ontology).


ECPR PoS lecture 1

February 14th, 2012 | Posted by ptj in ECPR | ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

The first lecture from my European Consortium on Political Research week-long intensive course in the philosophy of science — this is the overview and some initial discussions of Vienna Circle logical positivism. Note that this is a 150mb file both because the lecture is about an hour and a half long — lots to say at the beginning of the class! — and because it’s a .mov file encoded with an MPEG-4 codec (could have been worse, my initial attempt was about 300mb!) rather than the .m4a slides-plus-audio that ProfCast used to be able to make for me. Sadly that technology seems to be too unreliable. But hopefully in the era of fat Internet pipelines the file size will not be too much of a problem.
