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Talking About the Future slides

February 8th, 2011 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

Here are the slides for the “Talking About the Future” talk delivered at Macalester College, 4 February 2011.

Macalester slides

Talking About the Future

February 8th, 2011 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

Talk delivered at Macalester College in St. Paul MN, 4 February 2011. There were slides; those are in PDF attached to the next post.

Conduct of Inquiry book q&a

November 7th, 2010 | Posted by ptj in ISA-NE | ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

I didn’t want to just do a straight-up book talk on the Conduct of Inquiry book at the ISA-Northeast conference, so we did something a little different: Dan Green gave an overview of the book’s argument, I said a few things about my aims and intentions, and then we had a lot of q&a time. I think the result is a pretty good articulation of some my hopes for the book and for the field of IR.

My discussant comments on a panel on pragmatism and IR from the 2010 ISA-Northeast conference.

My discussant comments from a panel on IR and fashion at the ISA-Northeast 2010 conference.

The last of the four faculty talks at the 2010 ISA-NE workshop in interpretive and relational research methodologies: Vivienne Jabri.

The third of the four faculty talks at the 2010 ISA-NE workshop in interpretive and relational research methodologies: Christine Sylvester.

The second of the four faculty talks at the 2010 ISA-NE workshop in interpretive and relational research methodologies: J. Samuel Barkin.

The first of the four faculty talks at the 2010 ISA-NE workshop in interpretive and relational research methodologies: Vincent Pouliot.

Here’s the fourth podcast for SIS-105. This one’s on the limitations of IR theory and the potential for more radical challenges to state-centric ways of thinking about world politics and international relations. The podcast also spends some time trying to helpfully order the various forms of IR theory that we’ve considered thus far. Apologies for the way that the sound gets a bit iffy from time to time; I have to remember to push the microphone away when I get going.