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Here’s a podcast of the presentation I gave at yesterday’s New Faculty Orientation. As usual, you’ll have to download this and then open it in either iTunes or QuickTime Player, both of which are free downloads from Apple.

Here’s the presentation I gave to the new General Education faculty on 22 August 2008.

Here’s a talk giving a general overview of the Learning Communities Project at American University.

New faculty orientation slides

August 23rd, 2007 | Posted by ptj in General Education - (0 Comments)

Here is a pdf file of the slides I used for the General Education new faculty orientation.

new faculty orientation slides

Here’s part two of the General Education new faculty orientation (21 August 2007).

Here’s the first of two podcasts from the General Education new faculty orientation, held 21 August 2007.

Freshman Day 2007, late show

April 13th, 2007 | Posted by ptj in General Education - (0 Comments)

Due to unforeseen technical difficulties, and the fact that I wasn’t thinking clearly and didn’t plug in my other recording unit, I did not manage to capture anything from the afternoon presentation about the General Education program and the University College. But the early show recording turned out
just fine, so you can download that instead.

Remember that you’ll need iTunes or QuickTime Player to play this.


Freshman Day 2007, early show

April 13th, 2007 | Posted by ptj in General Education - (0 Comments)

Here’s a presentation — enhanced podcast with slides — I gave at the 2007 Freshman Day
on the AU campus.

Remember that you’ll need iTunes or QuickTime Player to play this.
