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Audio of my remarks at the panel “Telling the Tale of Constructivism” at ISA 2012. An edited version of the text I spoke from and around will soon be a blog post over at Duck of Minerva.

Unfortunately this recording only contains my discussant comments, and neither of the musical performances by two of the panelists. Nor does it contain my singing of a verse of The Doors’ “The End” to close out the festivities. Guess you had to be there.

ISA 2012: Alkerian IR

April 5th, 2012 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

My comments on the ISA-2012 panel on Alkerian IR. Recorded direct to iPad, so the quality is not as good as it is when I remember to bring my dedicated digital recorder with me.

And now for something not so completely different: the “zombie apocalypse” panel from ISA 2011, in which I did not personally participate, but lots of friends and colleagues did. Fair warning, this is a pretty big file, which is why I have not tagged it for automatic syndication.

My comments on a roundtable entitled “Why Is International Relations Decreasingly An American Social Science?” at the Montreal ISA meeting, 16 March 2011.

Sermon delivered at the Montreal International Studies Association meeting, 18 March 2011. Lower audio quality than usual because I recorded this straight to my iPad instead of recording it to another digital voice recorder.

Also, public mea culpa to Hans-Martin Jaeger, who didn’t actually say that feminism wasn’t a constructivism, but did say that he was not going to discuss feminism in his presentation.

Battlestar Galactica as methodology

February 21st, 2010 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (1 Comments)

Here are my comments from the (in)famous Battlestar Galactica panel from ISA 2010 in New Orleans. The paper in question is still rather rough, but I’m happy with the overall shape it’s taking.

Sociology of IR panel

February 21st, 2010 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

My somewhat elliptical discussant comments from a panel entitled “What Language(s) Do You Speak? Knowledge, Networks and the Sociology of IR,” from the 2010 ISA conference in New Orleans.

Two Philosophers Shoveling Snow

February 17th, 2010 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ's Podcasts - (0 Comments)

Here is the live performance of my not-a-classic-of-philosophical-drama dialogue “Two Philosophers Shoveling Snow,” an earlier version of which was posted over at The Duck a few days ago. The attached file is the slides from which Benjamin Herborth and I read the dialogue during a roundtable on critical realism at the 2010 ISA annual meeting. I took the part of “Roy” the critical realist, and gave Benjamin the part of “Will” the pragmatist — and he started his subsequent presentation by announcing that he was not Will. Obviously I’m not Roy, either.