— ProfPTJ's syndication site

2011 World Politics lecture 2

September 27th, 2011 | Posted by ptj in SIS-105 - (0 Comments)

Upon re-listening to this lecture from a past year I don’t think I can really improve on it, so in lieu of a new recording of the same old material I offer this: IR Liberalism.

Note that in order to get this to play with both the audio and the video at the same time you need to download the file to your computer, and then import it into iTunes (where it seems to work fine) or play it with QuickTime Player 7.6.6 (not the 10.1 version of the QuickTime player that ships with newer Mac computers — the older player is a free download from Apple’s website, and it works with every MacOS back to about 10.4, I believe. QuickTime Player 10.1 thinks that .m4a files are audio-only, so it doesn’t look for the video track.

2011 World Politics lecture 1

September 21st, 2011 | Posted by ptj in SIS-105 - (0 Comments)

Apologies for the slight technical difficulties here, but I have the lecture only in two parts: a pdf of the slides, and an audio file of the spoken part. These are supposed to go together in one file, but just at the moment this isn’t working … hopefully it will be resolved soon and I will be able to upload the correct version. But for the moment, here are the slides, and the audio is below (you can listen to it via your web browser, or download it to your hard drive for offline listening).

UPDATE: apparently the podcast works properly if you download it — it has audio and video synched together. Still working on precisely why this is less seamless than it always has been in the past, but for now, you have several options: listen to the audio below and watch the pdf slides; download the file and play it in your web browser; download the file and play it in some other version of QuickTime Player. Ah, technology — love it and hate it.

Here’s the fourth podcast for SIS-105. This one’s on the limitations of IR theory and the potential for more radical challenges to state-centric ways of thinking about world politics and international relations. The podcast also spends some time trying to helpfully order the various forms of IR theory that we’ve considered thus far. Apologies for the way that the sound gets a bit iffy from time to time; I have to remember to push the microphone away when I get going.

World Politics 2010 podcast #3: constructivism

September 16th, 2010 | Posted by ptj in SIS-105 - (0 Comments)

Here’s the third podcast lecture for World Politics for Fall 2010. This one’s on constructivism, and the role of identity and notions of community in world politics.

World Politics 2010 podcast #1: realism

September 5th, 2010 | Posted by ptj in SIS-105 - (0 Comments)

Here’s the first podcast lecture for the Fall 2010 edition of my World Politics class. The topic is “realism.” it’s an m4a file as usual — chaptered audio with slides — so your best bet is to drop it into iTunes or QuickTime Player in order to view/listen to it. (Apologies for the distorted visuals if you play it through the media player here on the site; downloading is almost always a better idea.)

World Politics 2008, fourth podcast

October 2nd, 2008 | Posted by ptj in SIS-105 - (0 Comments)

So upon closer examination, the only thing I didn’t like about last year’s fourth podcast was the crappy sound. So I played with it a bit and here is a modified version of the podcast — unfortunately, in making the sound better I managed to eliminate the chapter menus, so if you want the version with those you should go here instead.


World Politics 2008 podcast #3

September 18th, 2008 | Posted by ptj in SIS-105 - (0 Comments)

As promised, here’s the 2008 edition of the constructivism podcast. Yes, it’s about an hour long, but it’s also the only “reading” you have to do for class on Tuesday…

World Politics podcasts

September 5th, 2008 | Posted by ptj in ProfPTJ | SIS-105 - (0 Comments)

Upon re-watching some of my podcasts from last year’s course I think that they’re still about as good as I can do for the moment, so the first two podcasts will be the same as last year’s:

For realism, go here.

For liberalism, go here.

At this point I am planing to re-do the constructivism and critical challenges lectures for 2008.

The fourth installment in my podcast series of lectures for this fall.

Yes, I realize that for some bizarre reason this lecture and the last one were in mono rather than in stereo. I’m looking into why that might have possibly happened, and hope to repair it when I can. For the time being, it’s listenable, I think.


World Politics 2007 podcast #3: constructivism

September 24th, 2007 | Posted by ptj in SIS-105 - (0 Comments)

Part Three in the ongoing saga of IR theory.

Yes, these do get progressively longer. Hopefully that’s not a trend that will continue into Part Four next week!
